Course Schedule & Registration

Registering for Classes

Nova Southeastern University has simplified the registration process by allowing students to register for classes online through WebSTAR. Students should contact the Office of Student Services to request additional assistance to add, drop, or withdraw from class. In addition, questions regarding registration schedules, WebSTAR access, registration holds, class schedules and locations, prerequisite requirements, and special needs can be addressed with the OSS.

Office of Student Services
Toll-free: 800-986-3223, ext. 28500
Local: (954) 262-8500

Undergraduate Academic Advising Center
Toll-free: 800-541-6682, Ext. 27990
Local: (954) 262-7990

Course Schedules

Registration Is Open

Registration for the Winter II 2025 term is open. Stay on track and register today!

Register today!