Transition from Student to Professional with Ease

At Nova Southeastern University, you’re guided every step of the way as you study and prepare for your dream job.

The Office of Placement Services is here to help you complete the field and clinical experiences required for your degree by placing you with the best opportunity based on your location.

Placement opportunities include school-based field experiences and internships (for initial certification only).


Contact the Office of Placement Services

Please contact our office at for security clearance and placement procedures in a Pre-K–12 classroom:

Lillian Greico

Assistant Director - Program Operations and Placement Services/Instructor

Phone: (954) 547-0144

Jodi Miller

Field & Practicum Placement Coordinator

Phone: (954) 262-5364

Enthusiastic teacher explains lessons to class


Field experiences provide vital links between educational theory and practice. Apply what you’ve learned in actual classrooms and school settings and acquire competencies necessary for successful teaching. You’ll learn from your successes and mistakes while being supported by caring teachers in a positive, nurturing environment.

Learn about Applied Professional Experience


School-Based Field Experience

School-based field experiences are recognized as critical components of teacher education. NSU’s College of Education is committed to providing quality field experiences for all education majors as an integral part of pre-service training.


The Florida state legislature has mandated that all education majors in Florida Department of Education (DOE)–approved teacher preparation programs participate in a planned series of field experiences. Field experiences must begin early in the program and culminate with the final internship. During these experiences, teacher candidates should be given the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the Florida DOE–developed Accomplished Practices and Subject Area Competencies and Skills. In addition, teacher candidates must be provided with guidance and feedback in the field setting.

Designated education courses in the Teacher Education Program curriculum include assignments that require you to visit and participate in Pre-K–12 classroom activities. These school-based experiences vary depending on the Accomplished Practices and Subject Area Competencies and Skills required in the course.


Supervised Field Experience

In order to improve your skills as a teacher candidate, an assigned University supervisor will observe and provide feedback during the field experiences of specified courses.


The following courses are key content courses in which University supervisors observe the teacher candidate's classroom skills.

B.S. in Elementary Education

  • ELEM 4530: Integrating Art, Music, PE, and Health Education Across the Curriculum
  • ELEM 4535: Inquiry Approaches to STEM Education in the Elementary Classroom
  • ELEM 4815: Integrating Art and Music Education Across the Curriculum

B.S. in Exceptional Student Education

  • ESED 4550: Methods and Teaching Materials for Teaching SLD Learners

B.S. in Secondary Biology Education

  • SECE 3550: Methods of Teaching Secondary Science

B.S. in Secondary English Education

  • SECE 4370: Methods of Teaching Middle and Secondary English

B.S. Secondary Mathematics Education

  • SECE 4350: Methods of Teaching Math in Secondary School

B.S. in Secondary Social Studies Education

  • SECE 3530: Methods of Teaching Middle and Secondary Social Science

M.S. in Reading Education

  • RED 587: Supervised Reading Practicum II Group Remediation

The University supervisor will arrange for an observation for a minimum of one hour. During this observation, the supervisor will:

  • Review the teacher candidate's lesson plan.
  • Observe the teacher candidate presenting a lesson.
  • Observe the teacher candidate managing behavior.
  • Observe the teacher candidate performing other instructional duties.
  • The University supervisor may confer with the cooperating teacher and complete an evaluative feedback form identifying observed areas of strengths and weaknesses.


Field Experience Glossary

Teacher Candidate: A student registered for undergraduate courses, which require field experience.

Cooperating Teacher: The teacher in whose classroom an NSU student is placed for field experiences.

Student: Each child in the classroom at the school where field experiences are done. 

Instructor: The NSU full-time faculty member/adjunct education course instructor.

University Supervisor: The university representative who observes teacher candidates during field experiences and provides evaluative feedback to the teacher candidate and instructor.

Accomplished Practices and Subject Area Competencies: A series of 12 professional aspects key to effective teaching. The 12 areas are assessment, communication, continuous improvement, critical thinking, diversity, ethics, human development and learning, knowledge of subject matter, learning environments, planning, role of the teacher, and technology.

Matriculation: Enrollment and admission into the Undergraduate Teacher Education Program.



Internship for B.S. Students

The final phase of the NSU Undergraduate Teacher Education Program is the internship experience, which is a required 12-week course for all education majors that includes evening seminar meetings that are concurrent with 12 weeks of full-time teaching in a local school. You will be placed in a school site by an NSU coordinator where you will gradually assume full responsibility for teaching the class to which you are assigned. The 4570 Internship/Seminar is offered each academic year in the fall and winter terms.

Learn about the B.S. in Education Program

Internship Requirements

If a candidate does not meet all of the following requirements, the internship application will be denied until all requirements are met. Conditional acceptance will be granted for candidates who are enrolled in their final required courses and/or registered for their last DOE certification exam. Full acceptance into the internship will be given upon completion of pending courses and/or exams with proof of passing certification exam scores.

To be fully accepted into the internship, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Completed and passed all coursework (including general education requirements, program requirements, and all courses required for the major, with the exception of the internship)
  • Earned a minimum overall GPA of 3.0
  • Current fingerprints and background security clearance have been verified by the Office of Placement Services
  • Florida students: Passing scores for all parts of the General Knowledge Test, the Professional Examination, and Subject Area Examination; official scores must be provided to the Office of Placement Services at least two months before the start of the internship
  • Nevada students: Passing scores for all required sections of the Praxis must be provided to the Office of Placement Services at least two months before the start of the internship


Applying to the Internship

You are required to complete and submit the internship application before the deadline, as follows:

Fall semester deadline: February 1
Winter semester deadline: August 1

Apply for the Internship


After the application is received, your file is reviewed for completion of all requirements. You will receive a copy of a completed senior audit with a letter indicating your internship status (conditionally approved or denied). The Office of Placement Services coordinator develops a final list of student intern names for that semester, which is given to academic advisers and academic program managers so that they can assist students with registration at least one month before the internship start date. At that time, you will register for the appropriate 4570 internship seminar course (B.S. - UTEP).

You are eligible for the internship if you have (1) earned the mandatory credits (including all general education requirements, all program requirements, and all courses required for the major, except the internship), (2) have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, and (3) have passed all specified testing requirements.

The Internship Handbook is the students' source of information to guide them through the 12-week internship experience. Fully-approved interns will be provided with the most current handbook by the Office of Placement Services.


Testing and Certification

Your education degree prepares you to sit for your teaching certification exam. Testing requirements differ for Florida candidates and Nevada candidates.

Florida Candidates

Florida candidates graduating from a Department of Education–approved program who have passed all portions of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE) are eligible for a professional certificate or endorsement. Actual teacher certification or endorsement is awarded by the Florida Department of Education (DOE).

Florida Department of Education (DOE)

Florida DOE Educator Certification

FELE and FTCE Test Information (Pearson Education)

Pearson Test Center Location

Study Guide Zone

fdoe logo

Below is the latest information on score report timelines for tests being redeveloped or revised.

Tests with only multiple-choice questions

  • Score reports released within four weeks of the test date
  • Unofficial score reports provided at the test site

Test types: English 6–12; General Knowledge Test Essay; Spanish K–12; Speech 6–12

  • Score reports released within six weeks of the test date
  • You will receive a Receipt of Completion at the test site to keep until you have received a copy of your official score report

  • NSU Testing Office
  • Pearson (Note: The Florida Department of Education contracts with Pearson Vue to provide testing services. Tips and resources for completing Pearson-provided examinations are provided at this link.)