The electronic version of your approved applied dissertation is submitted by the Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice to the Nova Southeastern University library for inclusion in the MARPs, Practicums, and Applied Dissertations database. Only individuals with valid NSU identification numbers have access to this database.
Upon degree conferral, you may submit the dissertation to the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database for greater exposure. An online ProQuest portal designated for the College of Education is available at For additional information, contact ProQuest at 800-521-0600 (Ext. 77020) or at

Options for Publishing Your Dissertation include:
1. Upload to ProQuest
2. Upload to NSUWorks
3. Upload to ProQuest and NSUWorks (This option is highly recommended!)
Benefits of ProQuest:
- Use by those who have personal or institutional access to the subscription database of ProQuest – generally academic usage
- Permanent storage and hosting
- Embargo options*
- Creative Commons license options
Benefits of NSUWorks:
- Access for anyone, anywhere in the world – no subscription pay wall
- Monthly email on download count and map of locations it is accessed globally
- Permanent storage and hosting
- Embargo options
- Creative Commons license options
Submitting to ProQuest is easy and includes automatic inclusion in NSUWorks as an option. There is a section for including your dissertation in the NSU institutional repository where you can check a box. Once the dissertation is submitted to ProQuest, NSUWorks staff will receive a copy and be able to post your dissertation in the NSU repository as well.