Bachelor's In Human Services Administration Curriculum

Core courses cover a range of applicable fields, from management to counseling to business communications. Then you'll choose a highly specialized concentration, including such areas as social work, health care administration, and nonprofit management. You'll finish with a combination of administrative skills needed in human services, and a working knowledge of vulnerable populations and best practices in service delivery.

The bachelor's program in Human Services Administration comprises 120 credit hours. The program consists of a general education section, a core course section and the concentration.

General Education Requirements (30 credits)
Students are required to complete 30 credit hours as part of the General Education Program.


Human Services Administration Major Requirements

Course Number


(HS 1100
Social Issues and Human Services Delivery Systems
/Credits: 3)
(HS 1200
Introduction to Human Services Administration
/Credits: 3)
(HS 1300
Interpersonal Assessment Skills in Human Relations
/Credits: 3)
(HS 1400
Counseling and Assessment in Human Services
/Credits: 3)
(MGT 2050
Principles of Management
/Credits: 3)
(ECN 2025
Principles of Macroeconomics (Prereq MATH 1040 or higher)
/Credits: 3)
(ACT 2031  
Foundations of Financial Accounting
/Credits: 3)
(WRIT 3150
Business Writing (Prereq COMP 2000)
/Credits: 3)
(PADM 1000
Introduction to Public Administration
/Credits: 3)
(MATH 2020
Applied Statistics
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3300
Ethical and Professional Issues in Human Services
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3315
Interventions in Human Services
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3990 or HS 4800
Supervised Experience in Human Services I or Directed Study in Applied Human Services I
/Credits: 3)
(HS 4100
Rehabilitation Principles and Case Management
/Credits: 3)
(MKT 2060
Marketing Principles and Application
/Credits: 3)
(HS 4200
Accountability in Human Services Administration
/Credits: 3)
(HS 4250
Program Planning and Evaluation
/Credits: 3)
(HS 4995 or HS 4850
Supervised Experience in Human Services II (Prereq HS 3990) or  Directed Study in Applied Human Services II
/Credits: 3)



Concentration Courses: Nonprofit Management, Philanthropy and Grantsmanship

Course Number


(HS 3120
Grant Writing and Management
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3130
Nonprofit Leadership
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3140
Fundraising and Philanthropy
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3150
Strategic Planning in Human Services
/Credits: 3)



Concentration Courses: Advocacy/Case Management

Course Number


(HS 3410
Case Management Methods
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3420
Advocating for Individuals with Special Needs
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3430
Special Topics in Advocacy
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3440
Assessment and Treatment Planning
/Credits: 3)



Concentration Courses: Health Administration

Course Number


(BHS 3110
Health Care Ethics
/Credits: 3)
(BHS 3151
Health Services Management
/Credits: 3)
(BHS 3161
Concepts of Health Care Finance
/Credits: 3)
(BHS 3170
Health Care Delivery Systems
/Credits: 3)



Concentration Courses: Social Work

Course Number


(SOCL 2000
Introduction to Social Work
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3330
Human Behavior and the Social Environment
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3340
Interviewing and Assessment
/Credits: 3)
(HS 3350
Social Work Practice
/Credits: 3)



Concentration Courses: Substance Abuse Studies

Course Number


(PSYC 2020
Foundations of Clinical & Counseling Psychology
/Credits: 3)
(PSYC 2575
Introduction to Substance Abuse Studies
/Credits: 3)
(PSYC 3575
Treatment of Substance Abuse
/Credits: 3)
(PSYC 3800
Current Psychotherapies
/Credits: 3)

See the entire program at a glance. The four-year plan of study will assist you in planning your future at NSU. It presents an overall idea of the order in which courses might be taken in a four-year plan during a student's college career. 

2021-2022 4-Year Plan of Study

2022-2023 4-Year Plan of Study

2023-2024 4-Year Plan of Study

2024-2025 4-Year Plan of Study

2025-2026 4-Year Plan of Study